The Victoria Forum 2024
The Victoria Forum 2024 - Building Trust for a Shared Future

Chris is a member of the national board of the Canadian International Council, the editor (articles) of CIC’s online foreign policy magazine Open Canada, president of the CIC Victoria branch and a sessional professor with the Canadian Forces College and the Royal Military College of Canada.  He also holds a PhD in history from Queen’s University with a focus on civil-military relations in the developing world. Chris also enjoyed a 36-year career in the Canadian Army. He is a graduate of Canada’s Advanced Military Studies Course and was granted an equivalency for the year-long National Security Program in 2009. He also commanded 4th Air Defence Regiment, followed by various senior positions in the Department of National Defence including Director Future Security Analysis and Military Liaison Officer to the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence. From July 2009 until July 2010, Chris deployed to Canada’s Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan as the Deputy Military Attaché. On his return to Canada, he commenced Turkish language training after which he was sent to Canada’s Embassy in Ankara as the Canadian Defence Attaché with cross accreditation to Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkmenistan from July 2011 until July 2014. Chris retired from the military in September 2014.

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