A Better Africa for All: Building Trust & Empowering People
A Better Africa for All: Building Trust & Empowering People

Lee Francoeur is a lawyer of First Nations ancestry (Taku River Tlingit – Northwest British Columbia) who works primarily with First Nations in Western and Northern Canada towards the reconciliation of Aboriginal and Treaty rights. Through the years, Lee has had offices in Whitehorse, Vancouver and Calgary. With over 20 years of experience practicing law, Lee has provided general legal counsel to First Nation governments, businesses and organizations, as well as businesses that work with First Nations. Lee operates a private practice and works with numerous First Nations and organizations. Lee is currently working with various clients on the resolution of outstanding claims well in excess of $2 billion dollars. He has also worked with his clients in conjunction with the Assembly of First Nations and Canada on the development of the new Specific Claims Tribunal – particularly in relation to Specific Claims over $150 million. Lee has worked with various First Nations to effectively protect and enhance environmental monitoring and enforcement in mining and other resource development areas. He works closely with Environmental Engineers to ensure that First Nation lands and interests (including lands returned to the First Nation) are environmentally sound. Most recently, Lee is honoured to join the University of Calgary, Faculty of Law as an Adjunct Professor teaching Aboriginal Law as well as acting as an Advisor to this Faculty

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