Le Forum de Victoria 2024
Le Forum de Victoria 2024 - Bâtir la confiance pour un avenir partagé

Sherry L. Monastyrski is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Oneida Nation of the Thames, where she is dedicated to fostering a vibrant community rooted in Oneida culture and language and creating spaces where people feel valued. 

With over 15 years of experience in senior roles at the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians, Chiefs of Ontario, and the Assembly of First Nations. Her extensive background in governance and advocacy reflects her deep commitment to helping underrepresented groups find their voice and fuels her work in advancing the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples. 

Sherry’s academic career started at Western University and was a student at Kings College, with a degree in Political Science. Sherry holds a Master’s in Indigenous Governance from the University of Victoria and a law degree from the University of Ottawa. 

Her leadership is marked by a strong dedication to inclusive governance and community well-being. Sherry serves on the Board of Directors for Equal Voice, which is an all-partisan registered charity that promotes the inclusion of women, 2LGBTQQIA+, and BIPOC communities in places of political power and influence. 

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