Le Forum de Victoria 2024
Le Forum de Victoria 2024 - Bâtir la confiance pour un avenir partagé

Leslie, a member of the Killer Whale clan of the Nisga’a Nation, is a committed social justice advocate working for Indigenous peoples.

She is the Executive Director of British Columbia Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, an umbrella agency supporting 25 Friendship Centres. Previously Leslie held the Indigenous health portfolio for 9 years at Provincial Health Services Authority where she led the development of San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety, a cutting edge decolonizing anti-racism training program offered to the health, social and justice sectors in Canada.

Leslie’s community work focuses on ending racism and violence against Indigenous people, particularly towards women and girls. She is a proud board member of Central City Foundation, which invests in social impact real estate in Vancouver. Leslie holds an MBA from Simon Fraser University. She resides as a guest at Musqueam nation in Vancouver.

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