The Victoria Forum 2024
The Victoria Forum 2024 - Building Trust for a Shared Future

Dr. Andrew Marton, director of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, is a specialist in contemporary Chinese studies. His research revolves around the study of patterns and processes of spatial economic transformation in China’s extended metropolitan regions, with a particular focus on the lower Yangzi delta. His other research interests in China include studies of administrative restructuring and urban and regional development, curricular reforms and geographical education, and the emergence of new urban spaces for the visual arts and other creative industries in Shanghai, Beijing and Ningbo.

Prior to his appointment in the Department of Pacific and Asian Studies at the University of Victoria in August 2012, Dr. Marton held positions at the National University of Singapore and the University of Nottingham. As founding director of Nottingham’s Institute for Contemporary Chinese Studies he led the strategic development of a highly successful Chinese studies teaching and research program which culminated in the creation of the new School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in 2007. From 2007 to 2012, Dr. Marton served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and was also Vice-Provost Teaching and Learning at the University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China.

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