The Victoria Forum 2024
The Victoria Forum 2024 - Building Trust for a Shared Future

Dr. Trevor Hancock is a public health physician and health promotion consultant. He ‘retired’ in 2018 from his role as Professor and Senior Scholar at the School of Public Health and Social Policy at the University of Victoria. He is one of the founders of the (now global) Healthy Cities and Communities movement and co-founded both the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment & the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, and was the first leader of the Green Party of Canada in the 1980s.

His recent focus has been the combination of his two main areas: The relationship between human health and the natural environment and linking the healthy and sustainable community approaches through the concept of a ‘One Planet’ region. In retirement he has started a new NGO, Conversations for a One Planet Region, to explore and popularise these ideas locally.

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